miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009


Lifeless thoughts stream to me
Maybe I keep bad company
Maybe it’s just that I’m growing old
Maybe it’s something that’s never been told

Memories of you are haunting me
I want to forget, but they want me to see
Our whispers of love, the stars and the sea
Mysteries of life, mysteries of you
Timeless nights, lonely paces
We always die alone
We always die alone

Godless days will follow
Dusk and dawn
Springs and summers
The world’s lost its meaning
And now you are only a word.

Silence would do, but then silence is death
I still love you, but this does not mean a thing
I don’t know where to go
I really know nothing

Sometimes we do try and we do fight
Sometimes we think it is worth a while
But we always lose and we always get lost
No lighthouse
Just the remote skies and the dying birds

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